Monday, June 22, 2009

Eugene and the Coast

Went to the Eugene Emeralds game, stadium was super old, loved it!! Then the boys went for a run in the morning through the U of Oregon campus, had some fun on the track and taking some pics. Then we were off to the coast, just a quick ride north. Where we checked into our amazing hotel over, yes over the Columbia River. Took in some sights, learned a few things about the town and had Gramma join us for a night. We also flew a kite in Cannon Beach and the boys hit the bumper cars in Seaside.

Sunday, June 14, 2009

So why am I blogging. Chalk it up to a bad memory. Which is fine when you are shopping and forget the paper towels but not when you can't remember that your daughter used to make the funniest face or my son was amazing with the baseball bat at 3 years old. So its for them, I hope they will go back when they are old enough and reflect on their early years. Oh, and anyone else who wants to know what goes on in our little lives.